Want To Earn Money From Instagram Or YouTube? This Online Calculator Can Tell How

 Making a living from Instagram, YouTube and TikTok might sound easy, but it is actually tough. You need to define your niche, continue creating quality content, be consistent and build a strong community of your own. But, once you crack the algorithm and build your social media empire, you can start earning big money. We came across an interesting website - lickd.Co/blog/social-salary-calculator - that can calculate how many followers, views and subscribers you would need to make money online.

How To Make Money Online Without A Website

A pay-per-click affiliate program is a great way to leverage the keyword skills you already have.

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February 26, 2010 5 min read

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

If you've got some successful keyword research and PPC advertising under your belt for your own website, why not capitalize on that and make money online without one? Affiliate marketing through pay-per-click makes it possible. Learn how to make money today.

MSN adCenter and Yahoo Search Marketing both allow direct linking to sites that are not your own. (But don't try this with Google AdWords.)

Direct linking means that you can join affiliate programs, create ads for their products, and send click-throughs directly to the merchant's site. There's no need to build an intermediary site or use your own site to direct traffic. When your click-throughs convert, you get a commission.

It's a way to create an extra stream of income--or several--with some big advantages:

  • It eliminates the time, effort, and costs of building and maintaining web pages. The only time you'll have to pay is when someone clicks on your ad.
  • It allows you to do affiliate marketing without cluttering up your own site with links that might send potential customers away. You can keep your site clean and focused on its job of selling your product, but still make commissions off other people's products.
  • It eliminates an extra click for users. One click less for them means more commissions for you.

    While direct linking is a good opportunity, though, it's not a walk in the park. The PPC programs that allow it restrict the number of affiliate ads that can point at the same display URL that shows on the ad itself. So ads by experienced affiliate marketers who know exactly what they're doing can bump less skillful ads.

  • If you want your ads to be seen, here's what you have to do.

    Step 1: Start with a big, broad marketChoose a broad market where there's a lot of searching going on. You want to get as many eyeballs as possible.

    Step 2: Do some keyword researchDon't build your ads on broad, untargeted keywords, though. The competition for those will be fierce--and expensive. Your objective here is to find neglected, low-cost keywords within a broad, high-traffic market--and that's why it really helps to have keyword research experience.

    And as I mentioned in an earlier article, you need to look for specific problems that are shared by a lot of people within a market. Then find relevant keyword terms that clearly show a clear intention to buy or find out more information. Those terms are much more likely to convert. And remember, you pay for every click, but you get paid only when they convert.

    The Microsoft Advertising Intelligence tool can show you almost anything you'd like to know about any given keyword, including similar keywords, traffic, cost per click, and much more. The free Google AdWords Keyword Tool is also a quick and handy way of getting ideas for keywords with high search volume and low cost per click; just keep in mind that you can't use this strategy with Google.

    Step 3: Find a good affiliate merchant that targets your nicheIn order to find a merchant that offers a relevant product and pays you a good commission, check out these affiliate networks and directories:

    When you're choosing affiliate merchants, ask these questions:

  • Do they offer a product that directly solves a problem you've identified?
  • Do they allow direct linking to their sites? Some don't. Check the terms and conditions before you commit.
  • Does the landing page generate pop-ups? If so, then forget it. This is not allowed. The back button on the page also has to be functional.
  • Is there a strong landing page for the product? If you send click-throughs to an irrelevant page, a confusing sales process, or a site that's just plain unappealing, then they won't convert and you'll end up wasting your money.
  • Step 4: Write a PPC ad that drives buyers to the affiliate merchant's siteTake a good look at the landing page your ad is pointing at and make your ad directly relevant to it. Your ad must:

  • address the specific problem you've identified.
  • include the keyword you've bid on, preferably more than once.
  • reflect the keywords of the landing page.
  • highlight a benefit of the product.
  • include a strong call to action.
  • You can give your ad an extra boost by adding your keyword, or part of it, to the display URL at the bottom of the ad. The actual target URL will contain a big, ugly affiliate ID number, but the display version can show the domain name plus a subdirectory with a word or phrase that makes it look relevant to the search, like this:

    Display: internetmarketing.Com/affiliates_ppcTarget: http://www.Internetmarketing.Com/aff-iduao74elksdjdo-2u023f

    Before you create your display link, check out the PPC competition to make sure it's unique so your ad won't be bumped. The better your ads, the higher the click-throughs will be, which means your ads will be rewarded with better positions for the same money. It's worth polishing them, and then testing them to see which ones are performing the best.

    Running a pay-per-click affiliate campaign probably won't generate hundreds of thousands of dollars for you right off the bat--but it is the easiest way to leverage the keyword research and PPC skills you've developed in building your own site. And when Microsoft adCenter and Yahoo Search Marketing join forces sometime this year, you'll get the traffic from both, even if you only advertise on one. That makes direct linking even more appealing.

    How To Make Money Teaching English Online?

    In an era where we're glued to our screens, anyway, making money through them sounds like a good idea. But how viable is it? After the big dot.Com boom of the late nineties, where basically everyone set up a website and made good money, the competition has just got stronger. But we're conditioned to think that every small business set up and run entirely through the internet is bound to fail, that the job market is absolutely saturated by people selling chocolate, soaps and their own drawings, that it's only the big ones like Amazon making any decent profit.

    It's true that there are lots of people trying to earn money through selling or working online; the competition is tough. So, if you want that elusive, sure-fire way to earn a living on the internet then you have to look at the bigger picture. It's no good thinking that your small business is going to be different - because it probably won't be - rather, it's time to scout out other opportunities. It's better to train properly and join an established industry and that makes teaching English online one that sits at the top of the pile.

    The ESL (English as a second language) market has expanded rapidly as more and better technology has become available and it's a very different ballgame now than it was five years ago. It's entirely possible to do all of your teaching online without needing to struggle to find somewhere that you can teach in person. Now you can just stay at home and teach online, safe in the knowledge that you have to have an actual qualification to do this properly.

    How will I make money?

    Well for a start you'll be saving on previously fixed costs, like commuting, which can be very expensive, and you'll save on the little incidental things like a cup of coffee from Starbucks, or a sandwich from the little shop next to your work. They may only be a couple of pounds, but it soon adds up. You won't need full on work attire either, looking neat and presentable is good enough. And you'll save on make-up if you aren't wearing a full face of it everyday! Of course, the biggest way that you're going to make money online is by doing your job. Teaching comes with guaranteed earnings if you do it right, and in this COVID pandemic more and more jobs are becoming online based so there will be less competition.

    You will definitely need a TEFL certificate. It's not good enough to be handy at English and regularly help with homework, you need the proper certification. Teaching English to non-natives is very different to teaching English to natives. You will need the solid grounding of a TEFL cert. - and a good certification if you want to make good money, so don't scrimp on becoming certified, always go through a reputable company and avoid any internet 'deals'.

    If you're teaching English online, you will still need all the relevant qualifications as if you were teaching in a school. If you're a native English speaker then you will probably need a bachelor's degree (most subjects are fine) and some teaching experience, either formal or informal, along with your TEFL cert. Don't expect to be able to waltz into a job because it won't happen. Or if you do then it's definitely a job you don't want.

    Classroom vs. Online.

    Watch out because it's easy to teach English badly online, all it takes is a bad internet connection, your screen freezing or the audio failing. Bad audio ruins your whole lesson if you're teaching English online because it relies on listening and speaking. If a problem crops up, you need to know how you can fix it so make sure that you have a good grasp of your software and how it works and have basic troubleshooting knowledge. Patience is required here!

    Teaching in the classroom means that you are pretty much restricted to what textbooks are available and photocopied sheets of work. Whereas online you have access to lots of different resources, plus you set your own hours and you can even work your teaching around another job which certainly isn't easy as if you were teaching on-site. There are different time zones to take into account too. TEFL students come from all over the globe, especially learning online, so you need to be prepared for students from not only countries like Turkey and Germany, but further afield in Asia and South America.

    Being in the classroom obviously restricts you to one site, but if you're using a virtual classroom you don't even need to leave the house. As long as you look presentable, and the background is neat and tidy then you're good to go. Plus, there's no queuing in Costa for a cup of decent coffee or a long walk from the carpark carrying all your teaching folders and books. It's about as stress-free as you can make a working environment! You can even fit it around whatever you like, the gym, another job, a regular commitment, chores - you're your own boss.

    Basic requirements (not academic):

  • High quality headset and webcam.
  • Basic technology gear.
  • A decent Mac/PC/laptop.
  • A workspace that's comfortable for you.
  • A room that is guaranteed to be quiet when you need it to be.
  • A fast internet speeds. If you're travelling you may want to check this in advance, and make sure there's a good electricity supply wherever you're going - or at least a back-up generator - to see you through.
  • Where do I look for jobs?

    The thing to be aware of here is doing your due diligence. You are going to need to research carefully; read genuine reviews, speak to other/former students and check whether they're accredited by an external body. Don't rush into the first decent one you find, it's best to shop around and make sure that you've found the right choice for you.


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