How Can Photographers Make Money Online During A Pandemic?

 The COVID-19 virus has left many professional and freelance photographers with almost no work to do. Social distancing, government restrictions and postponed or canceled events mean almost nothing to gain in a profession that relies on physical presence and contact, both on the part of the photographer and that of the clients. 

If you are a struggling photographer, there is no need to worry because there are ways to keep your business up and running without the need to be physically present in front of others. These include selling stock photos through stock photography services such as Scopio. To make it sweeter, Scopio is just one of many options for you so let's check out some money-making avenues that can help you as a photographer in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic.

1. Online Workshops And Courses

online coursesOnline courses Photo: Tumisu/ Pixabay

If you are already an expert photographer or have mastered at least some skills in a certain area, you can opt to share your know-how with those eager enough to learn them in the middle of the pandemic. You can set workshops dedicated to photography-related skills like lighting, posing or Photoshop. Alternatively, if you treat photography as a part-time job, you can also teach them non-photography courses such as web development, business or marketing. What matters is that if you have something you want to teach to any aspiring photographer, you can translate it into workshops and courses that you can make available online. 

2. Create An E-Book 

E-book ReaderAn e-book reader can be useful to someone always on the go. Photo: Pixabay

If you have a significant amount of photos stored in your portfolio, visual and creative arts magazine Format strongly encourages photographers to create and sell online resources such as e-books and PDF books. You only need to create them once, and if they do well, they might become a stable source of income for your photography business even after the pandemic. 

The e-book you create could be a photography guide for beginners, tips for night photography -- basically anything you are particularly knowledgeable about and want to share with everyone else. 

3. Prints And Wall Art 

print and wall artPrint and wall art Photo: Free Photos/ Pixabay

Toronto-based photographer and digital artist Alana Lee suggests creating professional-quality prints and wall art as an income-generating activity during the quarantine. "People are spending a huge amount of time in their homes and are looking for ways to make their environment more appealing," Alana wrote in her blog. 

She suggested reminding past clients that you can create wall art from past photo sessions. Alana also advised taking photos and creating new images with wall art in mind, adding that florals, landscapes and cityscapes are all popular subjects for wall art that can be created while social distancing. 

4. Selling Stock Photos 

Do you have old hard drives and folders full of interesting, high-quality stock images that may be of use to others in the future? If you do, you can now sell them on buy-and-sell stock photo websites such as Scopio. The best images to sell online are those of people or people working (just make sure that you have a model release), as well as food, landscapes, cities, cityscapes, tools, nature and travel images.

Previously known as Scop.Io, Scopio allows you to submit 50 to 100 photos to start building your page cost-free (subject to approval), and lets you see them just by searching and clicking your name. You make money with every purchase: 40% of individual image sales, 20% of every download in its subscription and 100% of revenue from customers who contact you through Scopio for collaboration opportunities. 

Should you choose to use a photo or more for your photography business and other ventures, Scopio's growing library of over 250,000 high-quality images has you covered. The images themselves, which can be downloaded in their original sizes, are authentic and diverse -- so much so that they are not found anywhere else. They are also commercial-ready and royalty-free; rather than purchase them individually, you can opt to subscribe to its unlimited monthly pass which grants you access to the entire library. Alternatively, you can save 20% when you opt for an annual subscription.

By using Scopio's stock photo service and doing these income-generating tips above, you can be sure that your photography service will thrive throughout the pandemic and beyond. So what are you waiting for? Start your 30-day free trial now.

5. Driving Site Traffic Via Search Engine Optimization 

search engine optimization digital marketingSearch Engine Optimization Photo: Photo Mix/ Pixabay

Though not a direct way of generating income as a photographer, work on your SEO skills if you own a photography website. This gets more eyes on your work, as building SEO strategies into your website are important in making and maintaining it, leading to more gigs in the future, more print sales and more people signing up to your email list.

6. Photo Editing And Retouching 

If you have great Photoshop and photo editing skills, then it's time to put them to good use. Especially so with many businesses now seeking ways to create content for their marketing campaigns. 

Should your clients need images of their products, you can set up a contact-less system for them to mail or drop off their items and complete the photography in studio before sending them their finished images online while staying safe and without requiring physical contact. 


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